Showing posts with label Android Market. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Android Market. Show all posts

Friday, June 3, 2011

Coming Soon to Google's App Inventor for Android

Yesterday, I mentioned that languages like Java may be better for programming apps and it turns out that Java is the language to use. I was exploring Google's App Inventor for Android, looking for a way to upload code I had written by hand, when I stumbled upon the FAQ page. That was one of the questions. Google claims to be working on a way to upload Java code to the Block Editor so that more complex apps can be developed. So if you are looking to use Google's App Inventor for Android, then you should learn/use Java to write your programs. However, you must also note that there are several limitations in using Google's service. One is that the app can only be so big before it cannot be uploaded to the Android Market. Google is currently working on the problem, but it is still a restraint at this point. Also, while you may soon be able to upload Java code to the site, you will not be able to download anything off the site for use with other software. You can share the programs you create through Google's App Inventor for Android, but only one person can work on a specific account at a time. This limits the ability of multiple people to create an app together, but it still can be done. Personally, I am really looking forward to being able to upload code to the site because then I can write the basic functions of my app in code, then handle all the visuals on Google's App Inventor for Android.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

How to Conserve Memory

It is important for an app to not take up too much memory. Apps that take up a lot of memory will take longer to download and errors are more likely to occur in the download process. To reduce the amount of space needed for your app, I recommend having any large pictures, audio, or video files stored online instead of within the app itself. This will make the app smaller reducing the download time and errors. To have your files appear on the app, link the exact web address to the location you need the file. Then when the app is opened and that file is needed the app will access the Internet through the android phone and pull up the file. This is particularly good for apps that employ a list of videos/sound/picture files. However, for background images (or the like), I recommend the files be stored within the app. For example, Screen1 opens and the main image is there along with a menu of choices. If within those menu choices other images are needed, then those other images would be linked to the app through the phone's Internet, but the main image would not be linked.
Words of caution!:
- Make sure the link is exact.
- For Audio or Visual, make sure the link leads to the file, NOT a music or video player.
- Beware of broken links. Check to make sure everything works properly before making your app available on the Android Market.
- If you link files through the Internet, give a notice to users when they download the app that the Internet is necessary for the app to function properly.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Research Available Apps

Part of the app development process involves researching current apps on the market. Look into both successful and unpopular apps. Think about what makes an app successful. Look at the color schemes games like Angry Birds or Fruit Slice use. While I recommend you do your own research as well, here is what I have found:
1. No ads if you are already charging for the app.
2. If the app is free costumers will accept some ads at the bottom of the screen.
3. If you have ads on your app make them small, NO FULL PAGE ADS. Users usually hate those and uninstall apps because of them. However, if you need a full page ad have it run right before the app begins to reduce frustration.
1. No clashing colors.
2. Colors should follow a scheme. Blues and greens, pinks and reds, etc.
3. Colors should not be too dark or obnoxiously bright. Backgrounds can be dark, but there should be some lighter colors on the screen.
1. Make app be free initially to gain a reputation, then start charging for later downloads.
2. Make two versions of your app. A lesser one as the free version and a highly improved one for a fee. Users will initially download the free version and if they like it will pay to have the better version. Some people may only download the free version, but they are usually the type that doesn't pay for apps. (Remember you can still make money off the free app by having ads)
3. In some cases the sales of an app may actually increase with the cost of the app. Test what people are willing pay for your app.
4. Check to see of there is already an app like the one you are creating. The first app of a kinda is usually the one to corner the market. If there is already an app like the one you are developing, read the comments. Find out the issues with the app and make yours better.
5. Fix errors QUICKLY! Users don't like long load times, frozen screens, inconsistent apps, error messages, force close notices, etc. If you get reports of errors fix them fast before too many people comment that the app is defective. People will uninstall your app if they get annoyed with it. However, if you can fix problems fast, people will be more satisfied. Satisfied costumers leads to better reviews, more recommendations, and ultimately more downloads. The opposite will happen if errors go unfixed.
6. Update your app as often as possible. If you have ever downloaded a popular app you have probably noticed that the producer updates the app every so often. Now too many updates can get annoying, but if there are no updates users will get bored of your app fast. A routine flow of new features will keep people interested.

Monday, May 23, 2011

The Beginning

This is a "How To" Guide for people with little to no programming skills, who want to turn their app ideas into functioning applications on the Android Market. To start off there are several things one should know about the Android Market. The first is that the Android Market is different from Apple Apps. While apps can be made available on Android phones and Apple electronics, there is a $99 fee to become an Apple App designer. My suggestion is that if you are just starting out as an App designer you should publish your app to the Android Market first. Then, if it is successful, you can become an Apple App creator and publish your app to Apple's market.
The software I will be discussing is Google's App Inventor for Android. The service, like most google products, is free of charge and allows people to create new applications without knowing much about programming.
1. Create a Google Account.
2. Using this account create an account on the App Inventor for Android site.
3. Read the Terms and Conditions!!!!
4. Download the App Inventor Software.
5. Go through the "Hello Purr" tutorial.
- The tutorial is a little lacking, but if you can figure out how to get "Hello Purr" to work properly you will be able to build programs on your own.