It is important for an app to not take up too much memory. Apps that take up a lot of memory will take longer to download and errors are more likely to occur in the download process. To reduce the amount of space needed for your app, I recommend having any large pictures, audio, or video files stored online instead of within the app itself. This will make the app smaller reducing the download time and errors. To have your files appear on the app, link the exact web address to the location you need the file. Then when the app is opened and that file is needed the app will access the Internet through the android phone and pull up the file. This is particularly good for apps that employ a list of videos/sound/picture files. However, for background images (or the like), I recommend the files be stored within the app. For example, Screen1 opens and the main image is there along with a menu of choices. If within those menu choices other images are needed, then those other images would be linked to the app through the phone's Internet, but the main image would not be linked.
Words of caution!:
- Make sure the link is exact.
- For Audio or Visual, make sure the link leads to the file, NOT a music or video player.
- Beware of broken links. Check to make sure everything works properly before making your app available on the Android Market.
- If you link files through the Internet, give a notice to users when they download the app that the Internet is necessary for the app to function properly.
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