This is a "How To" Guide for people with little to no programming skills, who want to turn their app ideas into functioning applications on the Android Market. To start off there are several things one should know about the Android Market. The first is that the Android Market is different from Apple Apps. While apps can be made available on Android phones and Apple electronics, there is a $99 fee to become an Apple App designer. My suggestion is that if you are just starting out as an App designer you should publish your app to the Android Market first. Then, if it is successful, you can become an Apple App creator and publish your app to Apple's market.
The software I will be discussing is Google's App Inventor for Android. The service, like most google products, is free of charge and allows people to create new applications without knowing much about programming.
1. Create a Google Account.
2. Using this account create an account on the App Inventor for Android site.
3. Read the Terms and Conditions!!!!
4. Download the App Inventor Software.
5. Go through the "Hello Purr" tutorial.
- The tutorial is a little lacking, but if you can figure out how to get "Hello Purr" to work properly you will be able to build programs on your own.
Good overview! You are off to the races!